How to Make Algae Biodiesel At Home Make It Better, Make It Cheaper, Make it Yourself.
This Global Bestseller Has Over 780 Pages! (Including Bonus Material)

In This Algae Biodiesel PDF, You'll Learn...
How To Cultivate Algae
Create your own algal lab for pennies
Open Pond Designs.
Build a backyard open pond
Build an algae bioreactor for $215
Or build an algae green house
Oil extraction techniques
Making biodiesel from algal oil
And much more
Newer Material, Expanded Chapters...
7 Comprehensive Chapters that will will help you get going fast

1. Cultivating Algae
- Why cultivate algae for biodiesel. Expanded!
- Flow Chart and detailed "overview" of the algae bio diesel process
- Algae Biodiesel strains: There's over 300,000 algae strains...which one should you use?
- How (or if) to choose an algal strain in your local environment. Expanded!
- Where to buy algal strains:
- Algae growth environments
- Nutrients to promote growth and reproduction Expanded!
- Algal Culture Techniques
- How To build your own algae lab
- Growth dynamics: Knowing when to harvest Expanded!
- Sources of contamination
- Build an algae test bio reactor!
- Build an algae incubator for less than $35!

2. Scaling Up: Building a Bio Pond
- Step-by-step instruction building a 50 gallon Bio-Pond Brand New Material!
- Material lists
- Parts Lists
- Building a Backyard Open Pond Brand New Material!
and more new material!..

3. Scaling Up: Part II: Building An Algae Greenhouse
- Planning an algae greenhouses
- Different kinds of green houses
- Foundation systems
- Heating/environmental systems
- Air circulation
- Watering and automatic nutrient systems
- Controllers and automation
and more..

4. Scaling Up: Part III: Building an 80 Gallon Algae Bioreactor
Want to be able to build a scalable algae photobioreactor for less than $215?
- Parts List
- Material Lists
- Tool Lists
- Step-by-step instructions
- Graphic Illustrations
And More...

5. Harvesting and Oil Extraction
- When to harvest
- How to harvest
- Low Cost harvesting methods.
- Oil extraction principles
- Oil extraction methods
- "Microwave" oil extraction method Brand New Material!
- The "Pressure Cooker" oil extraction method Brand New Material!
How To build a Home-made Oil Press

6. Large Scale Production Concepts
- Production in Open Ponds
- Upscale starter cultures
- Example Lay-out of a large scale algae farm
- More advanced harvesting methods
- Advanced oil extraction methods

7. Making Biodiesel At Home
- Biodiesel advantages and disadvantages
- Biodiesel Safety
- A visual overview of the mixing process
- A visual overview of the production process
- Making bio diesel in your kitchen
- Easy washing techniques
- Buy a processor or build your own?
- And much more...
But Don't Take My Word For It, Here's What Experts AND Customers From All Over The World Are Saying About Algae biodiesel pdf and Book:

I'm not a biodiesel expert, but I would say that in his book, Making Algae Biodiesel at Home, David Sieg provides more than enough information to tackle this process with confidence if you have the inclination to tackle a do-it-yourself project of this magnitude, which will require dedication, patience, and natural skill. He provides concise overviews as well as in-depth resources for understanding the process and its variables, including tips from commercial versions and national labs. The guide covers all aspects required, including selecting, growing, harvesting the algae; and making the biodiesel. Though the process is certainly not easy, David skillfully makes it easy enough that it is within the grasp of doing this at home. His guide is well-organized and well-written, accompanied by abundant illustrations, photos, and diagrams. Best wishes.

CEO, New Energy Congress
Dear David,
I have learned more from your eBook than spending $6,000 going to the Algae World 2009 Conference in Rotterdam. Do you have the same manual for Jatropha?
Many Thanks,

Perpetual Prosperity Pumps
About the Author
In 1995, as one of the first Americans to reenter Vietnam after diplomatic relations were restored, David Sieg, while teaching at a university, started making biofuels, then later, algae biodiesel.
With the oil embargo still in effect, Mr. Sieg used his knowledge of biofuels to run the university generators to get lights and air conditioning. Seeing how many people could benefit, he later opened a algae bio fuels consulting business in Vietnam, and Thailand.
In 2008, knowing the secretive nature of the algae biodiesel industry and the lack of real world info, he created to share his knowledge. Here you'll find real world applications, "How-To" knowledge you won't find anywhere else.
Other sites might tell you WHAT to do, but none of them tell you HOW to do it. We do.

In A Nutshell, Here is What You’ll Get

- A 304 page perfect bound, full color paperback.
- 480 pages of bonus material delivered immediately as a .pdf.

- Action plans
- 7 free bonus downloads

- Step-by-step instructions
- Price lists
- Shopping lists and more
What People are Saying...

"You have demonstrated this is not complex..."
I am a small farmer that is suffering from the Economic downturn and would not have had the finances to afford it at this time. I believe your work in research on algae and your willingness to share with us maybe at the center of new world wide wealth for the under privileged. The greatest aspect of your work is the empowering of the little people. You’re making us aware we have other choices, we will no longer in bondage the big energy companies. You have demonstrated this is not complex. We can do this.
Larry D. Hays

It is Amazing...
Finally, I have been able to see the e-Book. It is AMAZING !! Hats off to the Great work you have done !! The amount of details, photos, directions – simply simply unbelievable !!
Thank you for introducing me to this World. Thank you once again for your Initiative of making this planet more eco-friendly and moving away from fossil fuels. Any time if you are coming to India, do call me. I would be happy to be a host to you.
Chidananda Murthy R

"I found a very precious treasure in your book...
Hi, I bought and just have finished reading your book "Making Algae Biodiesel at Home" and I was very impressed on your book. I feel I found a very precious treasure at your book.
Because I can feel your precious hands on experience and millions of tests and trials and tons of considerations and concerns. People can't make like this kind of book without those.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you a lot for your great work.
Sang Lim
Want More Testimonials? Click here.
Is This Book Right for You?
Not every book is right for everyone. This section will help you decide if this book is right for you.
- Teachers and educators (Over 100 schools use this book!)
- Someone who wants to learn the basics to get a job in the algae biodiesel industry.
- Survivalists, and preppers who want to be able to make their own fuel.
- Anyone interested in making their own fuel
- People who take no action on knowledge
- Someone who isn't willing to learn from their mistakes
- Someone who wants someone to do it for them
- Someone who expects by buying this book algae biodiesel will come gushing from their computer.
Start Making Algae Biodiesel in 60 Days Or It's Free

Bonus Section, Time to Over Deliver!
Nowhere are you offered so many high quality bonus reports! We have prided ourselves on making this the finest collection of material available anywhere!

7 Free Bonus Reports
Free Bonus #1: Action Bluprint: A step-by-Step action plan for getting up and going, quickly and easily. It spells out and simplifies the steps needed, in what order, and where to go to get more in-depth info. Brand New Material!

Free Bonus #2: A 57 page report by Ron Putt of Auburn University
where he outlines a feasible plan for Alabama to create 3 billion gallons of fuel to supply ALL of Alabama's ground transportation needs. This is one of the most comprehensive plans I've ever found. I think this report is ground breaking and I'm proud to be able to present it here.

Step-by-Step Illustrated Instructions = "No-Brainer instructions"
We know that this is a complicated subject for some people. That's why we've left nothing to chance and provided you with illustrated instructions that will have you up and going making algae biodiesel in no time.

Another 5 More Reports...
FREE Bonus #3:The Quick-Start Guide. Short on time and patience? This "Down and Dirty" guide is jam-packed and designed to get you up and going, quickly, and easily. | |
FREE Bonus #4:The Online Resource List: This "Quick Guide" shows you where to go online to buy every part/resource necessary for building PBR's. (Including every place overseas you can buy algal cultures!) Especially useful for overseas buyers and/or people living in places where they don't have access to resources we have in the USA. Cost: PRICELESS time saver if you're living overseas and have to shop by internet or deal with customs/importing issues. | |
FREE Bonus #5: 4 complete commercial algae photo-bioreactor patents . These are complete commercial patents of tomorrow's algae biodiesel photo-bioreactors. After you read these, you'll know what the big minds, and big dollars are thinking, and doing. | |
FREE Bonus #6: A Master's Thesis from one of America's top algae biodiesel minds today. He explores current and past models of production, and goes on to explain a vastly superior model based on his own work. The future of algae biodiesel could very well be here. | |
FREE Bonus #7: The US Department of Energy Aquatic Species Program: Biodiesel from Algae. This is where it all started. This 318 page report in exhaustive in its detail of algae to biodiesel processes using race-way or open pond designs. A MUST-HAVE resource for anyone interested in algae biodiesel. |
Together these 6 free bonuses are worth more than triple your investment of only $99.99 -- but they're all yours absolutely free. This is, without a doubt, the most complete algae bio diesel collection available ANYWHERE!
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