101 Algae Biofuel Research Reports You Will Want

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Algae Biofuel Research Papers
This is the frontier of algae biofuel research. If you want to understand the full scope of algae biofuels and dig into the details, this page is for you.

While these reports will tell you WHAT to do, by and large, most won't tell you HOW TO do it. If you want the reports condensed and boiled down into to a language the "rest of us" understand, or you want inexpensive ways to accomplish your goals, you'll need to buy my books.

I'll be adding to this section more and more as time goes on. It is my hope that this will be the finest free algae biofuel research library available anywhere.

These links are tied directly to the source of info.

All reports are free.

The links are all good as I write this (Aug. 2016) if you find one that is broken, let me know and I'll fix it. Or go to the root URL (EX: www.nrel.gov ) of the site and do a search under that report's name.

Algae Biofuel Research Reports

ASP Report
Algae Biofuel Research General Overview
Algae products and co products Algae Co-Location with CO2 Algae Cultivation Techniques Algae biofuels for the developing world
Untitled 1 copy 3
Open Ponds Photobioreactors Algae Harvesting Techniques Algae Oil Extraction
Biodiesel Bioethanol Biobutanol Jetfuel Methane or biogas Hydrogen Algae for health Food Supplements
Algae in Aquaculture Algae for organic fertilizer Algae for Animal Feed Bio Plastics Cosmetics Waste Water Treatment Algae Micro Farming

If you know of a helpful link and would like to see it added to this algae biofuel research library, let me know here.

The Algae Revolution Has Begun

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