All About Algae: 7 Reasons Why Algae is The Most Amazing Organism You Never Knew Existed

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  • All About Algae: 7 Reasons Why Algae is The Most Amazing Organism You Never Knew Existed
algae to biofuel

Oh yeah, I'm sure you think about algae every day. (Not) But everything in your life, even you own life itself, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for algae.

As a basic building block of life itself, it revolutionized life in the oceans 100's of millions of years ago, then life on land 10’s of millions of years ago. Then ourselves about a million years ago. It gave us the hydrocarbon oceans of oil we now use for energy which is the fuel of the economic machine. It gave us the industrial revolution as we know, couldn't have started, or continued, without it.

We are now entering the THIRD Industrial Revolution.

In the coming century you're going to see it revolutionize fuel once again. But that is only the beginning. From bio-plastics, to organic health food supplements, to curing diseases, to animal feeds, to bio fertilizers, to aqua farming, to water filtration and purification, to waste water treatment, to cleaning up the environment.

More About Algae

Imagine, just for a moment, an organism so complex that...

about algae
  • Is so old it is one of Earth’s first forms of life. It has survived for BILLIONS of years.
  • Enabled the planets biodiversity of plants, insects, and animals.
  • Has been able to adapt to Earth’s most extreme climates.
  • Provides over half of the planets oxygen.
  • It can be found in soil, water, ice, at all altitudes and latitudes.
  • Is able to reproduce in almost limitless sizes, shapes, colors and textures.
  • Has over 100,000 species, and almost limitless strains.
  • Has the ability to grow incredibly fast, or slow
  • Is responsible for the vast underground oceans of oil
  • Was responsible for the coloring of Cleopatra’s gowns, and the Roman legions togas.
  • Thrives in saltwater, freshwater, brine, sewage, or wastewater.
  • Is able to efficiently transform solar energy into high energy biomass.
  • It requires no cropland to grow, and displaces no food crops.
  • Is able to “feed” on greenhouse gases and clean the environment.
  • It has no growing season and can be cultivated year around.
  • It has over 60% protein which can be energy foods.
  • It can contain over 60% lipids (oil) which can be used in biofuels.
  • It can be grown with over 90% carbohydrates and used to make paper.
  • It can produce food 30 to 100 times faster than land based grains.
  • It can be used to produce biofuels, bioethanol, jet fuel, and bio gasoline.
  • It can produce low cost medicines, pharmaceuticals and vaccines.
  • It can produce fine cosmetics, herbal wraps, and skin crèmes.
  • It can produce biofuels many times faster and cheaper than corn or soybeans.
  • It can create nutritious health foods and has been eaten for centuries in Asia.
  • It can be used to make bio plastics.
  • It can be used to feed the world’s animals and livestock.
  • It can be used to grow organic vegetables.
  • It can be used in aquaculture to grow fish and vegetable at the same time.
  • It can be used to cure:
    • Diabetes
    • Cancer
    • Obesity
    • Used in Weight loss
    • Reduce anxiety and sleep disorders
    • Improves mental function and enhances concentration.
    • Improves immune function.
  • Most products on the market are used to kill it or contain it.
  • Is seen as green slime, a bad odor, an annoyance, something to be rid of.
  • Very little research or money is being devoted to it outside of biofuels.
Yet despite all of these benefits, it suffers from a perception problem. It is currently being used to only 1% of its potential.

And THIS is where opportunity for algae lives. This website is all about algae, all the creative, explored, and unexplored uses of algae. It is an attempt to bring the algae out of the mud puddles, swamps, bogs, and laboratories, into the spotlight of the 21st. century.

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I’m not a biodiesel expert, but I would say that in his book, Making Algae Biodiesel at Home, David Sieg provides more than enough information to tackle this process with confidence if you have the inclination to tackle a do-it-yourself project of this magnitude, which will require dedication, patience, and natural skill. He provides concise overviews as well as in-depth resources for understanding the process and its variables, including tips from commercial versions and national labs. The guide covers all aspects required, including selecting, growing, harvesting the algae; and making the biodiesel. Though the process is certainly not easy, David skillfully makes it easy enough that it is within the grasp of doing this at home. His guide is well-organized and well-written, accompanied by abundant illustrations, photos, and diagrams.

Sterling D. Allan
New Energy Congress