Algae Biodiesel Training Course


algae biofuels training course

Now You Too Can Discover How to Quickly and Easily Get All the “Home Grown” Algae Bio Diesel You’ll Ever Need…

No Experience or Fancy Tech Skills Required!


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Here is the complete training course. 4 Ebooks, 1000’s of pages, plus bonus material. This is the most complete collection of information available anywhere. This material is geared to the homeowner using easy to understand concepts and using off-the-shelf parts found locally.

making algae diesel at home

You’ll get…

  • A visual overview of the entire process
  • Clear-cut instructions
  • Photographs
  • Diagrams
  • How To Cultivating algae
  • Different algal strains
  • The best algal strains for oil
  • Where to buy algal strains
  • Building algae fresh/salt water aquariums
  • Building algae green houses
  • Building Open pond systems
  • Building photobioreactor
  • Harvesting the algae
  • Algal oil extraction
  • Building a Homemade Oil Press
  • Mass production of algae
  • Algae biodiesel patents

That is just the tip of the algae-iceberg this training course covers. Get ready, because I go into tons of detail…

The training course is divided up into 7 comprehensive sections:

Book I: Cultivating Algae:

  • Why cultivate algae for biodiesel. Expanded!
  • Flow Chart and detailed “overview” of the algae biodiesel process
  • Algae Biodiesel strains: There’s over 300,000 algae strains…which one should you use?
  • How (or if) to choose an algal strain in your local environment. Expanded!
  • Where to buy algal strains:
  • Algae growth environments
  • Nutrients to promote growth and reproduction Expanded!
  • Algal Culture Techniques
  • How To build your own algae lab
  • Growth dynamics: Knowing when to harvest Expanded!
  • Sources of contamination
  • Build an algae test bioreactor!
  • Build an algae incubator for less than $35!

And more

Book II: Scaling Up: Building a Bio-pond Brand New!

  • Step-by-step instruction building a 50 gallon Bio-Pond Brand New!
  • Material lists
  • Parts Lists
  • Building a Backyard Open Pond Brand New!
  • and more new material!..

Book III: Scaling Up (Part II) Building an Algae Green House

  • Planning an algae greenhouses
  • Different kinds of green houses
  • Foundation systems
  • Heating/environmental systems
  • Air circulation
  • Watering and automatic nutrient systems
  • Controllers and automation
  • and more..

Book IV: Scaling Up (Part III) Building an 80 Gallon Algae PhotoBioreactors: Want to be able to build a scalable algae photobioreactor for less than $215?

  • Parts List
  • Material Lists
  • Tool Lists
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Graphic Illustrations
  • And More…

Book V: Harvesting and Oil Extraction: New Material!

  • When to harvest
  • How to harvest
  • Oil extraction principles
  • Oil extraction methods
  • “Microwave” oil extraction method New!
  • The “Pressure Cooker” oil extraction method New!
  • How To build a Home-made Oil Press

Book VI: Large Scale Production Concepts:

  • Production in Open Ponds
  • Upscaling starter cultures
  • Example Lay-out of a large scale algae farm

Book VII: Making Biodiesel at Home

  • Biodiesel advantages and disadvantages
  • Biodiesel Safety
  • A visual overview of the mixing process
  • A visual overview of the production process
  • Making biodiesel in your kitchen
  • Easy washing techniques
  • Buy a processor or build your own?
  • Building a test batch mini-processor
  • And much more…

Building Algae Bio Reactors

build algae bioreactors

All PBR’s are scalable and can be built in different sizes

  • They can be scaled to just about any budget
  • All are made easily, from materials at hand.
  • All are made using basic hand tools.
  • All are inexpensive to reproduce.
  • All are functional, work, and perform the job they are built for.

In short, they are the real deal.

The best part is, you can build these PBR’s yourself for a fraction of the cost.


  • Easily built using readily available parts.
  • Easy to take apart and clean.
  • Can be built with normal household tools.
  • Can be built in 2-3 days.
  • Easy to maintain and repair


Table of Contents

  • Overview of algae and which strains you can use for various products, including…
    • Algae biodiesel
    • Health food supplements
    • Cosmetics
    • Animal feed
    • Organic fertilizers
  • Where to buy the algae strains inexpensively.
  • Illustrated overview of the building process.
  • How to build a low cost incubator for less than $35
  • How to scale up your algal incubator
    • Detailed parts list with photographs
  • How to start your algae culture
  • How to build a test PBR
    • Design notes
    • Detailed parts list with color photos
    • Illustrated diagrams
  • The “PBR Diary”
    • Step-by-step instructions showing the PBR’s in action.
    • Nutrients I used.
    • Light regimen
    • Algae strain
  • How to build a tubular photobioreactor.
    • Detailed parts list with color photos.
    • Step by step building instructions.
  • 20 gallon (75 liter) PBR
    • Design notes
    • Detailed parts list with color photos
    • Step by step building instructions.
  • Building a “Fence Type” Bioreactors
    • Design notes
    • Detailed parts list with color photos.
    • Step by step building instructions
  • 80 gallon (302 liter) water bottle Bioreactors
    • Design notes
    • Detailed parts list and color photos
    • Step by step building instructions
  • 150 gallon (567 liter) Vertical Bioreactors
    • Design notes
    • Detailed parts list and color photos
    • Step by step building instructions
  • Resource lists (bonus)
  • Shopping lists (bonus)
  • Plus much more.

Building Open Ponds

open pond ebook med

Table of Contents

Book One: About Algae and Open Ponds

  • What can we do with algae?
    • The bio fuels perspective
    • Bio Fertilizers
      • Algae Fertilizers
    • Health Food Supplements
    • Animal Feed.
    • Organic Fertilizer
    • Cosmetics
  • Open Pond Overview
  • Where to Grow Algae
  • The Open Pond Design Concept
  • What you’re Going to Need
  • How Big Should My Pond Be?
  • Open Pond Shapes
    • Round
    • Oblong (Raceway)
    • Closed
    • Bubble Covered
  • “Down and Dirty” Open ponds at Home
  • Site Considerations
  • Soil Conditions
  • Designing an Effective Open Pond
    • Small Pond Systems

Book Two: The “Down and Dirty” Guide to Building Open Ponds at Home

  • Wading pools
  • Old bathtubs
  • Plastic Totes
  • Animal Troughs
  • Building a plastic tote “Open Pond.”
    • Parts list
  • Building Open ponds at Home
    • Design notes

Book Three: Commercial Open Ponds.

  • Commercial Open Pond Design Concepts
  • What You’re Going To Need
  • · Helpful knowledge in the physiology and biochemistry of algae
  • · The basic flow, size and mechanics of your algal pond
  • · Up scaling Algae Cultures.
  • · The Chemical composition for your algal pond
    • o pH Values
    • o Aeration and Mixing Of Algae
    • o Temperature of the Pond
    • o Salinity
    • o Use Paddle-wheels for the Following reasons
  • Pond Linings and Ratings
  • Water Chemistry
  • Co2 or the Carbonization of your pond
  • Nutrient Recycle
  • Nutrient Loss
  • Contamination
  • The Paddle Wheel or Airlift System
    • What is it? Why is it needed?
    • Some of the disadvantages of paddle wheels are:
    • Things you will need to consider for your paddle wheel:
    • Designing your paddlewheel
  • Harvesting The Algae
    • Micro-straining
    • Belt Filtration
    • Settling Ponds
  • Power
    • Algae
    • Solar
    • Wind
    • Human
    • Bicycle
  • Open Pond Costs
    • Back end costs
    • Labor
    • Front end costs

Growing Algae at Home

growing algae book med


Table of Contents

  • How to cultivate algae the RIGHT WAY.
  • Different types of cultures
  • Preparing your algal lab to grow cultures.
  • The different variables necessary, and how to use them correctly.
  • How to create the optimal conditions for growing algae
  • How to create your own culture media
  • Setting your your experiments the RIGHT WAY
  • Estimating the growth of algae.
  • Growth Dynamics of algae (Know when the best time to harvest)
  • Where to buy algal strains inexpensively.
  • A simple algal incubator that cost less than $35, and an hour to build and you can use immediately start growing algae. The best part is, do this correctly and you’ll never need to buy another algae culture again!
  • A test bioreactor that allows you to test 10 different strains, or 10 different variables at once. This one unit can save you YEARS of trial and error
  • Plus, lots more


Save Money by Getting the Complete Course For Only $299!

And if you buy now you’ll not only lock-in forever at the charter price, but you’ll also receive…


A Look Back at the Aquatic Species Program (318 pages)

The book that started it all. This is a “must have” reference detailing the early methods and techniques of algae fuel production using open “raceway” ponds. Jimmy Carter commissioned this study in the early days of the Arab Oil Embargo. It was, at the time, years ahead of its time. I don’t know of anyone, who is seriously interested in algae bio fuels who hasn’t studied this book from cover to cover. There are some people selling this online at for $40. Now yours…free

You’ll get this bonus immediately … IF you order today. Join now!



Bonus 1: The Aquatic Species Report

This is a 318-page special report which rocked the biofuels world! This is where it all started. This 318 page report in exhaustive in its detail of algae to biodiesel processes using race-way or open pond designs. A MUSASP bonusT-HAVE resource for anyone interested in algae biodiesel.

Think about it:

This is the report that EVERY SINGLE biofuel consultant cuts their chops on, and still uses to this day. It is THAT GOOD. It is so exhaustive in its detail that many places online, even is selling this report for $40 and up!

Free Bonus #2: Action Bluprint: A step-by-Step action plan for getting up and going, quickly and easily. It spells out and simplifies the steps needed, in what order, and where to go to get more in-depth info. Brand New Material!

Free Bonus #3: A 57 page report by Ron Putt of Auburn University where he outlines a feasible plan for Alabama to create 3 billion gallons of fuel to supply ALL of Alabama’s ground transportation needs. This is one of the most comprehensive plans I’ve ever found. I think this report is ground breaking and I’m proud to be able to present it here. Brand New Material!

FREE Bonus #4:The Quick-Start Guide. Short on time and patience? This “Down and Dirty” guide is jam-packed and designed to get you up and going, quickly, and easily.

FREE Bonus #5:The Online Resource List: This “Quick Guide” shows you where to go online to buy every part/resource necessary for building PBR’s. (Including every place overseas you can buy algal cultures!) Especially useful for overseas buyers and/or people living in places where they don’t have access to resources we have in the USA. Cost: PRICELESS time saver if you’re living overseas and have to shop by internet or deal with customs/importing issues.

FREE Bonus #6: 4 complete commercial algae photo-bioreactor patents . These are complete commercial patents of tomorrow’s algae biodiesel photo-bioreactors. After you read these, you’ll know what the big minds, and big dollars are thinking, and doing.

FREE Bonus #7: A Master’s Thesis from one of America’s top algae biodiesel minds today. He explores current and past models of production, and goes on to explain a vastly superior model based on his own work. The future of algae biodiesel could very well be here.

Best of all…

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

guarantee certificate1

I’m so sure you’ll be pleased with these eBooks and with your results that I’m absolutely guaranteeing your satisfaction. I’ll give you 60 days to try it out. If you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll cheerfully refund every penny – no questions asked!

Fair enough? Then…

You get it all…

  • The global bestseller “Making Algae Biodiesel at Home.
  • “Building Algae Photobioreactors”
  • “Building Open Ponds.”
  • “Growing Algae at Home”
  • Special Report: The Dept. of Energy’s Aquatic Species Report
  • All bonus material downloads

Buy Now While Discount is Still Available…




(Even if it’s 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

Best regards,

David Sieg

P.S. Don’t go broke paying for fuel! Join now and you’ll never have to pay for fuel again.

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* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any endeavor, there is no certain guarantee of success. Information is presented as educational and informational only. Please observe all laws in your local area.

Disclaimer: All testimonials and comments are unpaid, and unsolicited. These comments reflect the viewpoints and/or experiences of a people named and you may, or may not have similar results.

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