Growing Algae At Home (Like a Pro)

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Growing Algae At Home

Think about it. The "algae revolution" is upon us. Algae is one of the most powerful breakthroughs of the 21st. century. With algae you can "grow your own..."

  • Health Food Supplements
  • School Projects
  • Organic fertilizer
  • Animal feed
  • And much more..(science is only beginning to scratch the surface of this amazing organism.)

Growing Algae At Home Has Never Been Easier

growing algae at home

  • How to Grow algae
  • Create our own algal lab inexpensively
  • Types of Cultures
  • Setting up Experiments
  • Estimating Growth
  • Growth Dynamics
  • Preparing your meduim
  • Different growth Meduims
  • Building a test photobioreactor
  • It's all here...

I liked your approach the best...

. I browsed the Internet and found lots of information but I liked your approach the best. It is common sense and, after some time in the engineering business I can discriminate between BS and serious stuff.

Nicolai Iosef
Algae Biodiesel Table of Contents
algae biodiesel testimonials
algae biodiesel client photos

Why should you invest in this report?

  • Written for the layman, or non-technical person.
  • The report highlights different, inexpensive methods of growing algae at home having a focus on bio fuels and bio-energy.
  • It provides extensive details on every aspect of growing algae
  • It showcases methods of building low-cost bioreactors at home.
  • It lists places to buy materials and parts,
  • It provides extensive knowledge on what works, and what doesn't.
  • It provides commercial research, enabling students, teachers, and researchers to quickly and easily get up to speed.

Your Site Really Inspired Me...

You know I never realized there was an ebook out there which people could use to make biodiesel from algae until I stumbled across yours while doing a search. When I saw it I got really excited because it is an interest of mine, I have been following developments in algae biodiesel production in the commercial area because it makes so much sense to me. Up until now I have been producing biodiesel for myself from used cooking oil.

Heath Allison

Simply put, no other organism on earth comes close to algae in versatility.

Instead of knocking yourself out, you can now do it yourself, cheaply, easily, and quickly with my new eBook called:

"Growing Algae at Home"

Partial Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • How to cultivate algae the RIGHT WAY.
  • Different types of cultures
  • Preparing your algal lab to grow cultures.
  • The different variables necessary, and how to use them correctly.
  • How to create the optimal conditions for growing algae
  • How to create your own culture media
  • Setting your your experiments the RIGHT WAY
  • Estimating the growth of algae.
  • Growth Dynamics of algae (Know when the best time to harvest)
  • Where to buy algal strains inexpensively.
  • A simple algal incubator that cost less than $35, and an hour to build and you can use immediately start growing algae. The best part is, do this correctly and you'll never need to buy another algae culture again!
  • A test bioreactor that allows you to test 10 different strains, or 10 different variables at once. This one unit can save you YEARS of trial and error
  • Plus, lots more

David really knows what he’s talking about when it comes to biodiesel. And his new book “Building Open Ponds” shows it... it’s 277 pages jam packed with tons of great information from growing algae in an old bathtub to large scale algae farms. Great details and pictures to make it as easy as pie even for the novice. David really goes the whole nine yards when he writes a book!

Bill Anderson
About the Author

In 1995, as one of the first Americans to reenter Vietnam after diplomatic relations were restored, David Sieg, while teaching at a university, started making biofuels, then later, algae biodiesel.

With the oil embargo still in effect, Mr. Sieg used his knowledge of biofuels to run the university generators to get lights and air conditioning. Seeing how many people could benefit, he later opened a algae bio fuels consulting business in Vietnam, and Thailand.

In 2008, knowing the secretive nature of the algae biodiesel industry and the lack of real world info, he created to share his knowledge. Here you'll find real world applications, "How-To" knowledge you won't find anywhere else.

Other sites might tell you WHAT to do, but none of them tell you HOW to do it. We do.

author bio
I can't say enough about the quality information you have presented here and the fact that I can visualize making any one of the systems from the information you have given me in the book is a powerful motivator.
Howard Bankston

Growing Algae At Home: What You’ll Get

growing algae at home

274 pages

Full color

Perfect bound

OP bonus1

2 extremely hard to find bonus books with pages of extra material in .pdf format for immediate reading


You'll know what to do, and when to do it, including equipment lists and cost breakdowns.

Bonus Section, Time to Over Deliver!

One of a kind bonuses you won't find anywhere else

homemade algae bioreactor
The Photobioreactor Diary

"The PBR Diary:" This show my actual results using the same PBR's I built for this eBook. You get what strains I used, where I got them, the nutrient used, the light regimen, and full color photographs showing rates of algae growth. Cost: PRICELESS: No one else is giving you this or sharing this knowledge!


The Online Resource List:

The Online Resource List: This "Quick Guide" shows you where to go online to buy every part/resource necessary for building PBR's. (Including every place overseas you can buy algal cultures!) Especially useful for overseas buyers and/or people living in places where they don't have access to resources we have in the USA. Cost: PRICELESS time saver if you're living overseas and have to shop by internet or deal with customs/importing issues.

Start Today! Choose Your Options Below

Digital Edition only $49

growing algae at home
  • 98 pages
  • Exclusive Bonus content
  • Download immediately
  • Anti-theft software on all digital copies.

Paperback Edition only $149


Building Open Ponds

  • 274 pages
  • Full Color
  • Bonus material in .pdf download

Digital Collections Starting at $249

Save $50!

  • Many different books to chose from
  • Exclusive Bonus content included in each
  • Lifetime access with on-demand download

Start Growing Algae At Home Today!