There’s been a lot of talk lately that algae based biofuels are too expensive and that it could never compete with petroleum. So it came as a shock to find out that this month gas stations in California will be selling algae based diesel to the public. So how much? $100 a gallon? $33 dollars a gallon?
Nope. Same price as regular diesel.
Propel Fuels announced today it is teaming up with Solazyme, Inc and kicking off a month long pilot program bring algae derived biofuels to gas pumps in California. This marks the first time in history that algae based fuels will be available to the public.
Solazyme is rolling out it’s algae based biodiesel in a big way. It is proving once and for all the algae revolution is upon us. “Solazyme’s high quality algae-based SoladieselBD meets or exceeds ASTM quality specifications and has shown performance enhancements including cold temperature operating performance. The fuel is compatible with existing diesel engines and the fuel’s performance is guaranteed by Propel. The fuel will be sold at the same price as conventional diesel fuels and will be available exclusively at Propel’s Clean Fuel Points in Redwood City, San Jose (N. First St.), Berkeley, and Oakland.”
“Solazyme’s high quality algae-based SoladieselBD meets or exceeds ASTM quality specifications and has shown performance enhancements including cold temperature operating performance. The fuel is compatible with existing diesel engines and the fuel’s performance is guaranteed by Propel. The fuel will be sold at the same price as conventional diesel fuels and will be available exclusively at Propel’s Clean Fuel Points in Redwood City, San Jose (N. First St.), Berkeley, and Oakland.”
Not only that, it is as green as it gets. Testing undertaken by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) shows that, in a 20% blend, SoladieselBD significantly outperforms ultra-low sulfur diesel in total hydrocarbons (THC), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter tailpipe emissions. This includes an approximate 30% reduction in particulates, a 20% reduction in CO and an approximate 10% reduction in THC.
Their website went on to say “Solazyme’s revolutionary algae-based technology platform has supplied our development partners and customers with advanced biofuels that meet or exceed some of the world’s most stringent fuels specifications and requirements, “ said Bob Ames, VP of Fuels, Solazyme. “We’ve successfully demonstrated our land-based fuels in fleet vehicles and corporate buses, and are excited about this pilot program with Propel because it enables us to make these fuels available to the public.”
The Algae Revolution Has Begun
Price must get to the actual price of fuel, not the manipulated price we now endure!
Agree with the previous post. How often have you heard comments lamenting the price of fuel and that Americans should be drilling our own land for petroleum. The statement in and of itself is flawed. The perception that petroleum drilled refined and sold in America will be cheaper than the world market price is errant. Whoever the US producers are, profits must be made to stay in business. That entails competitive pricing with the world market not discounted or subsidized gas.