Algae Biofuel Educational Products


headline style teachAlgae Biofuel Educational Products

university book cover

In addition to customizable books and lessons, we offer a number of algae biofuel educational products. These include…

  • PowerPoint teaching presentations.
  • Custom teaching videos.
  • Classroom biodiesel training kits.
  • Classroom algae bioreactors.
  • Algae biofuel cultures.
  • Anything else you might need…just ask.





PowerPoint Teaching Presentations.

PowerPoint has the ability to teach complex subjects and situation with amazing ease. Below is an example of a voiceless presentation. In a voiceless presentation you provide the audio as part of your teaching. We also offer voiced over PowerPoint in which we supply the audio for you. You can chose a professional voice over artist, or non professional. You can even use on of your own students from the drama dept. This, of course, is a video representation of a PowerPoint. The commercial version is an actual PowerPoint which you can further customize made to be played on a computer as part of a presentation.



Custom Videos

We have differing levels of customization depending on your needs. We have generic custom videos which we can take our existing video portfolio and add your schools/business logos and/or pictures to the front or introduction. This is the most economical solution.  all the way up to adding your own classroom photos of biofuel production techniques to shooting a complete video production on location at your facility. When it comes to video, pretty much the sky (and your budget) is the limit. We can add professional voice overs as well as musical sound tracks. This was a video we did for a professional marketing company. While not specifically aimed at biofuels, it does highlight what is possible in a teaching video.


Biodiesel Classroom Training Kits.

Once you have produced algae oil you’ll need to turn it into biofuel. Biodiesel processing comes in many shapes and sizes. From small one person classroom kits, to processors which can be used to create enough biodiesel to generate electricity for the entire university. This estimate assumes small scale classroom processing. This set would be an excellent choice for a teacher demonstrating the basic aspects of biodiesel processing.

delux biodiesel kitDeluxe Biodiesel Starter Kit Contents
• 350 mL New Vegetable Oil In A Sealed 16 oz Bottle
• 70 mL Methanol In A Sealed 4 oz Bottle
• 2 Dust Masks
• 1 Pair Of Safety Glasses
• 1 Mini Thermometer
• 1 Pair Of Heavy Duty Safety Gloves
• PLUS 15 mL Phenolpthalein Titration Indicator
• PLUS 4 oz Sealed Bottle Of Isopropyl Alcohol
• PLUS 1 400 Micron 5 Gallon Oil Strainer
• PLUS 1 150 Gram Digital Scale
• PLUS 2 250 mL Plastic Mixing Beakers
• PLUS 3 100 mL Plastic Titrating Beakers
• PLUS 3 10 mL Titrating Syringes
• PLUS 1 Small Liquid Funnel
• PLUS Full Set Of Instructions & Titration Instructions


Classroom Algae Bio reactors and incubators

These are 15, and 25 gallon custom designed classroom algae incubators designed for “show and tell.” With these you can walk your students, step-by-step through the algae biofuels production process. Now, one thing which should be made clear straight away. These units are NOT designed to produce meaningful amounts of algae oil. Rather they are design as a “proof of concept” bioreactor. Meaning you’ll be able to illustrate how the process works, but don’t expect the be driving your car home on it after. This is also good as an excellent testing bioreactor if you decide to scale your production up.

classroom bioreactorThis is a professional grade incubator which will include
• Tank and stand
• Submersible pumps
• Interior installed lighting
• Automatic timed lighting
• Internal water temperature control
• Harvesting/dewatering unit included.
• All Fittings, valves, and hoses.
• Power source in one location

How to get started:

Simply contact us using the form below. We’ll get back in touch with you to discuss your project. Once we have a better understanding of your goals and objectives, I can give you a detailed cost estimate.

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