Algae To Ethanol Book Preview

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This book is set up to assist you in the following ways

This book is a how to manual of algae for ethanol conversion process. It is written for professionals, by a professional. It is meant to allow investors and bio fuel specialists interested in the process to have a peek inside this new technology and potential gold mine industry. This is not a book on how to make ethanol in your bath tub; rather you will learn how it is done at home, small scale, and large-scale, and why this new technology is so important to the energy future of not only this country, but the world.

  • To thoroughly understand the algae to ethanol process as well as the fundamentals of alcohol fermentation.
  • The different algal strain for Ethanol
  • Where to buy algae strains.
  • Build a home ethanol still for personal production.
  • To thoroughly prepare you to successfully buy an ethanol still.
  • To guide you through the process of building and setting up a small scale ethanol plant.
  • To guide you in building and setting up a large scale ethanol plant.
  • To help you understand the legal requirements related to ethanol production.
  • To advise on the local and federal government tax breaks available to you to start.
  • A resource guide to get most parts and equipment.
  • Detailed reference sources to get further information.

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$147.00 (Paperback Edition)

            This book is written for entrepreneurs and small business owners, by an entrepreneur and small business owner. I've tried to answer the questions I would have, and have had, in my own algae production consulting business. It is written for professionals and forward thinking individuals looking to cash in on the "Algae Revolution." Other factors to consider:

The paperback book is over 235 pages and the eBook and supporting bonus material are a whooping 1024 pages. It is the most complete treatment of the subject available anywhere, online or offline.

Table of Contents

See a complete table of contents here.

Book One: Part One

  • How to use this eBook
  • What is Ethanol?
  • History of Ethanol
  • Ethanol myths
  • Size and Structure of the US Ethanol Industry
  • How Ethanol is Used .
  • Why Use Algae to Produce Ethanol?
  • Ethanol around the world
  • Products distilled from ethanol
  • The Future of ethanol
  • US Algae Market Potential
  • Market Outlook

Book One: Part 2: Production Overview

  • What is a bio-refinery?
  • Basic algae ethanol production
  • Algae Based Ethanol Feed Stocks
  • Algae Based Ethanol Feed Stocks
  • Where to obtain ethanol algae feedstock
  • Growing Algae for Ethanol
  • Strain Selection
  • Cultivation
    • Open Ponds
    • Closed Ponds
    • Enclosed Photo bioreactors
  • Scale-Up Challenges
  • Other feed stocks that can be used
  • Building or Buying a Home Ethanol Still
    • Still Plans
    • Still Kits
    • Professionally Built Stills

Book Two:

  • Market Opportunities
  • Co-production
  • Site and Climate Considerations
  • Climate
  • Water Requirements
  • Productivity and Costs
  • Combined Bioreactor and Open pond costs
  • Example of a Small Scale Algae Ethanol Farm in South Africa.

Book Three

Large Scale Plant Design

  • Dry Milling
  • Wet Milling
  • Fermentation
  • Yeast Strains
  • Nutritional Requirements
  • Sugar Concentration
  • Distillation
  • What Is a Bio refinery?
    • Conceptual Bio refinery
  • The Decision to Produce Ethanol
  • Benefits
  • Markets and Uses
  • Market Assessment
  • Production Potential
  • Financial Requirements
  • Analysis of Financial Requirements
  • Decision Process
  • Plant Design
    • Overall Plant Considerations
    • Individual System Considerations
    • Process Control
    • Representative Ethanol Plant
  • Small/Farm scale equipment suppliers
  • Commercial Business Planning
  • Permit information
  • Water Pollution Controls and Permits
  • Overview of Federal and State Polices That Support Ethanol
  • Equipment Suppliers
  • Conversion Factors
  • Glossary
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PAPERBACK Edition + Digital Bonus 
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I just recommended your Algae to Ethanol book to a colleague of mine. We are working on an ethanol project together and he is going to order your book. I just thought I would pass this note along to let you know and to know that I was completely impressed with the ebook (the amount I have read thus far) that is why I recommended it. It is EXCELLENT source of information!

Thanks for a great book!

Eddie Carter
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